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Explore New York’s historic and fascinating Lower East Side.

New York’s Lower East Side is a neighborhood that transformed America. For over two hundred years it has been home to newly arrived immigrants, creating a diverse and vibrant melting pot. But this historic district, which played such a key role in the history of the nation (and the personal history of millions of Americans), is quickly vanishing. In fact, the National Trust of Historic Preservation named the LES one of the most endangered places in America.

On this walking tour, we’ll explore the streets of the Lower East Side, uncovering historic remnants among its boutiques and bistros. You’ll learn how the immigrants lived, worked and worshipped, and how the neighborhood’s culture and conflicts shaped the nation. Highlights include a visit to a landmark synagogue(subject to venue availability), a storefront Buddhist temple, site of New York’s original Garment District, the quarter’s last pickle stand, and even a nosh at the country’s oldest bialy bakery. You’ll also hear stories of the neighborhood’s colorful past, including the local boys who created Hollywood, the tragedy that inspired the modern Labor Movement, and the notorious Jewish Mafia.

Tour Duration: 3 hours

Included in cost of tour:

  • An expert guide to provide in-depth commentary
  • A neighborhood nosh, including a fresh bialy and homemade pickle for each guest.
  • Sunday and Monday tours: admission to a historic synagogue (subject to venue availability)

Not included in cost of tour:

  • Admission fee for the Eldridge Street Synagogue. (Visit optional)

NOTE: Historic synagogues are not open to the public on annual Jewish Holidays.

Lower East Side Stories